"Customer" search functionality

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When trying to create a CTA from the Cockpit, the search functionality for the "customer" field is limited. It appears it will not find the customer name unless it is typed in exactly. For example, typing in "lego" shows up as an undefined name, since the customers full name is The LEGO Company. It would make adding a CTA from Cockpit more seamless if we could update this feature. See screenshot

+1 - I believe this behavior changed a couple of updates ago and agree it makes the creation process less efficient.  Exact search should be replaced by phrase match.
Good point, Iqra.

It looks like the search on Customer is limited to "Begins with" criteria, whereas the search on the Owner field, for example, works off of "Contains".

Totally understand the concern.

Improving Customer search in Cockpit is in our roadmap, noted this point.


Thank you!