[Usability-Scalability]Ability to display hover help text similar to native SFDC functionality

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Ability to display hover help text similar to native SFDC functionality
Cisco High Priority

Problem: Cisco uses attributes heavily as a part

of their VALUE framework.

End users need guidance on how to fill

out each question so that it is done in a consistent way and reduces questions.

Request: For attributes section,

the ability to

have hover help text that the Admin can add to the layout to describe the



to SF,

ok w/ limit of

255 characters.

Screen shots showing problem and suggested solution:


From: "Kaplan, Devan" <devan.kaplan@accenture.com>

Subject: Help Text Hover Over

Date: February 8, 2018 at 9:11:57 AM PST

To: Minh Phan <mphan@gainsight.com>

Cc: Jennifer Cannon <jcannon@gainsight.com>, Scott Drost <sdrost@gainsight.com>, "Louie, Cassidy J." <cassidy.j.louie@accenture.com>

Hi Minh, 


Business keeps bringing this one up – I know other customers have also asked for it. We really need help text functionality on all fields on the R360.


Do we know where this is on the roadmap and when something may be delivered?




Considered using Pendo, but it would be a separate help page that could be customizable for Cisco. Not useful and not currently available functionality in Pendo. 

Under Consideration for Q4CY18
Edgar, Cisco's COM, reiterated the importance of this one today based on recent discussions.