Auto-save Timeline draft when working from CTA

Related products: CS Timeline

When you're working within a CTA, in the Timeline section, and creating a new Activity, the draft does not auto-save. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature that hasn't been built yet
In case of CTA, you will find a draft icon on the top which is global for all CTAs and display drafts related to logged in user.

Please confirm whether that icon is not visible or drafts are not auto saved even after 15 sec ?
Thank you, Sandeep, I see the confusion. The Timeline activity does get saved as a draft that's accessible via that icon, but the draft is not visible when I navigate to the Timeline tab of the C360.

So, for users who wouldn't think to look for the small clipboard icon (like me and the CSM who I was just working with), that makes it seem that my work has been lost.

My request, then, is that the drafts from Cockpit would be available in the C360.