Throw an error when there is an extra space in the CSV file data-JO Programs

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When ever customer uploads the CSV file as the exclusion list in the JO program and if they have any spaces in the data then system is not throwing any error message at the time of uploading the file and hence customers are thinking that the file is fine and running the program. If there is any way to get a message stating that the data has some spaces in it while loading the CSV file would be very helpful for the customers.

Thanks for creating this @tejkumar

@tejkumar Thanks for sharing. We will explore the possibilities but I agree that the usability can be improved here.

I’ve also run into this issue -- it would be very helpful to get an error message instead of just a silent failure. I had this issue with an exclusion list I uploaded and everything looked like it went through, it was only because I double checked the program that I realized that the exclusion list had not actually been applied.