Clone Dataset Fetch Task in Bionic Rules

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Do we have the functionality to clone Dataset tasks on the roadmap?

I often have rules where I'm creating multiple dataset fetch tasks where the only difference is in the date filter. It would be nice to be able to clone these and change the dates rather than rebuilding 10+ tasks with only one field difference.
Zach, could you achieve the same outcome if you used the advanced logic in the filters and separated the different date filters with an OR statement?
I'm surprised this doesn't have more upvotes. I find myself wishing we had this functionality all the time.
Dan - 

Most use cases for this are based on different levels of aggregation. They either require multiple fetches or a fetch and multiple transformations.

Example: I want to aggregate data over the last month vs the prior 12 months.

I could either select data and then do two transformations(which I would want to clone) 


I could select data twice with two different sets of filters(which I would want to clone)

I hope this is added to our raodmap

Would love an update on this - I find myself wishing for this functionality frequently when building out the exact same data set, just different filter conditions.

Sharing for vis on requesting this in horizon