Truncate numbers / pick a unit of measurement for reports + dashboards

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

We need the ability to customize what unit of measurement we display metrics in each report/graph/chart/widget.

i.e. I would like to truncate $218,175.36 to show $218k.

This needs to be on a report-by-report basis as well, as some metrics in a dashboard may need whole units (or even those with two decimal points showing, for ratios and percentages) whereas other figures may need display in thousands, millions, etc.

Many of the dashboards have mostly un-readable labels due to them only displaying full values.

Please create a way for us to truncate the values displayed in reports, similar to what SFDC shows.

Screenshots attached - 1) of what I cannot do today in Gainsight, and 2) what I have the flexibility to do in a SFDC dashboard today.

Hi Josh,

While the ability to truncate to other units (thousands, millions, etc) doesn't exist right now, you can choose how many decimal places to display. And this can be done on a report by report basis. See below:

YES. This would help a TON.
I'm showing the status of this as implemented, however, I don't see any instructions on where to implement this myself for our reports. Is this implemented status accurate?