RFE: Cross Account Cohort Tracking (like the GS Success Express Workshop)

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I'm sure most of us have been through the Success Express Workshop.  When there, there were probably 10 to 15 folks (Contacts) representing 5 Accounts.  Our company has some similar types of events such as Training events or what not which may be cross-account.  Modeling this in GS as it exists is quite burdensome.  Closest things I've been able to do are to create an MDA representing (for example) Training and load the events in that manner.

With a schema something like:









The reason one would desire something like this is then we could track the cohort appropriately.  Target them with outreaches and surveys.  Watch their enablement over time.  Etc.
Great idea of having cohorts that persist so you can run various reports and other operations like copilot. This is something we have begun to talk about internally. It requires some platform-level changes, so unlikely in short term but will keep you updated. We'll also ping you as make progress to get your feedback.