In the Gainsight Assist Template Folder view, hide folders when templates are not available to Gainsight Assist

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

We really like the idea of the folder view and restricting templates to Gainsight Assist.  However we are finding that the template folder still shows in Gainsight Assist, even if none of the templates in the folder are available to users in Gainsight Assist.

This causes confusion for our users as they are seeing internal and admin folders that are only used for storing JO and Email Assist/Playbook templates.  When the users click on these nothing shows so they think there is an issue with the plug-in.

In the screenshot below, the only folder we want CSMs to see is the CSMs folder:



I agree!  Love the Folder idea, but only display folders, when there are Email Templates available to Users.


Thank you,

Di Hastings

Valid feedback! @ssamarth, please take a look. 

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This needs to be prioritized.

Admin:  As an CS ops admin we need the ability to make email templates ‘public’ for our team to use in Email Assist.  This can be at the folder level with a Boolean that allows it to be available or not, or at the report level. 


We have operational emails, customer-facing emails, and internal alert emails.   Note that most do not make sense for Email Assist for Customer Team agents.




Adding ​​​​​​@arunabhat to pls see

+1, we have a lot of operational and internal email folders that our CSMs would not need to use. It would be great if there was a toggle to show/hide folders, similar to what exists today for templates.

For anyone tracking, this now appears to be fixed (or the fix is rolling out).  We are seeing it in our org now.  It is much cleaner!