Customers tab Views: Additional Fields

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

It would be great to be able to fields to views in the Customers tab that didn't live on the Account or Customer Info. For instance, we have some custom delivery pages that are custom objects in SF that we would like to be able to add to that view. Anyone know of a way to do this other than also adding them as fields on Customer Info or Account? And if not, I would suggest that you be able to add fields from any SF object that GS has access to. Thanks!
Do these custom objects have multiple records per Account/Customer (1:M), or do they simply extend Account/Customer attributes (1:1)? If it's the former, we'd have to also figure out how to aggregate to extract one value per Customer. 
Hi Manu, The 80% is the 1:1 relationship. There are some incidents where there is more than one, but those are definitely in the minority.
Thanks, Heather. One way to go about this is to build a dashboard instead, where we add a report built on this custom object but grouped by the Account Name. This way, you'd still get one row per Account, but with attributes from this object and Account/CustomerInfo (by traversing up directly or via a Data Space). Eventually, the Customers tab could just be a pinned dashboard, so would love to know if this direction is appealing to you. And if not, what challenges do you see us facing potentially?
Thanks for suggestion, Manu! I hadn't thought about that as a workaround. I'll try that. I can't think of any challenges off the top of my head. I think a dashboard would still hit all the functionality of that page currently.