Customer ability to modify G360 reports

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I've had some discussions with a few customers surrounding the new G360 feature.  So far the feedback has been great but I have had one request that I thought I'd post here.

The customer is hoping for the ability to edit the reports in the G360.  The specific use case here is the hope that they can edit the report to look back 12 months instead of the 3 months that we currently provide.

I understand that we own this data rather than have it living in the customer's org, but I'm curious to know if we may ever provide the ability for a customer to access the data on the fly for their own person uses?

It would be awesome if our personal Gainsight usage could be written to a MDA object that would could use to run our own reports or rules off of. Then we could manipulate the data however we'd like to show it and also fire CTAs based of usage - i.e. alerting the team manager if a CSM has been MIA in Gainsight.
Hi Melissa,

We actually can do this today! With the export to S3 capabilities of Bionic rules, we are able to write a rule in our instance of Gainsight that exports a data set to your S3 bucket which you can then import into an MDA table on your instance of Gainsight. 

We've already done this for a few customers and they really love it. You can contact your Gainsight CSM and they can help get this built out for you. Some of the work will be on our instance and some will be on your instance, but it's a pretty straightforward process.
This is great news!  I'll make sure to reach out to my CSM and work to get this implemented.
I had a customer try out this cool new approach to getting Gainsight usage data into a their environment; it's great except to make the process work it appears that you have to manually rename the file in the S3 bucket every week to remove the timestamp so that it will process properly.  Has anyone found a way around this manual step?  
We would love to be able to customize the reporting as well as establish recurring distributions and CTAs based on our own behaviors.