Can we allow calculated field in Email template to be used in Email Assist.

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Hello Team,

Currently, we are not able to use calculated field in the Email template to be used in Email Assist.

Can we provide that.


Thanks & Regards,


Hello @shrikant_kashid 
Yes, definitely we should provide this ability. We are currently working on some of the changes to support this. Once this onboarding this completed we will be able to support this.

Hi @chethana ,

Do we have any update on this ? I can see few of the customers are asking for this functionality where they wanted to use calculated fields to be sent via email assist tasks.

Hello @sandeepchidiri 
We are still working on new platform, once this is completed i should able to provide you can update on this.

I ran into a huge issue with this. Users and I thought something broke and it was working fine previously. Is it possible to at least make the error more clear in these cases, or even prevent the mapping of calculated fields in the template builder itself? This is quite unbelievable that I have to go in circles and get 3 support responses before the 4th finally has an answer that should be documented or even called out / prevented in the product itself. Simply don’t show the calculated field as an option if it is not allowed! 

Hello @gunjanm 
I agree, error should be specific.Thanks for bringing this up.

Hi Team - Is there any update on when calculated fields could be tokenized?


We just got our upmarket CSMs to use Email Assist and finding out that calculated fields cannot be tokenized will limit value.


+1 to Gunjan that the error should be clarified. I had to open a support ticket myself to learn this

Would be awesome to have! 

Has there been any additional discussion or thought on including this in the product roadmap for development? 

 Is there any updated timeline on this functionality? Would a good workaround be to create a rule that calculates the value in the rule and populates the value of that field? Thanks,

+1, this is very poorly communicated and a surprising gap to not support the calculated fields as tokens in the first place. Any update on future plans or measures for this request? 

Hi @Molly.McQ 

Are you facing any challenge for selecting a calculated field in token mapping in Email Assist ?

This seems to have got fixed sometime back. If you find any issues pls do raise a support ticket.


@ssamarth, unfortunately, support just confirmed that formula/calculated field tokens are not supported in email assist.