Make editing of timeline activities a user configurable permission

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I couldn’t quite find a product request that matched, but there are several out there about allowing non-author of Timeline activities to be able to edit.

I’d love to a configurable permission to either allow or disallow a user’s ability to edit Timeline activities not logged by that user.

The use case for us is that CSMs log timeline activities in the future to reference a scheduled interaction. If CSMs leave or accounts change hands, that new account owner may need to edit the future scheduled timeline activity, to add Notes or adjust any other timeline details.

We definitely need this update to clean up the entries coming in from the Gong integration. 

Hi all,


Adding that this is still something that would still be very helpful. We are currently running a test that involves emails being sent from the CEO. A coordinator is BCCed on those emails and is logging them to timeline. In a few instances, our coordinator has either missed/been slow to add some additional tags to those emails. I am on a tight reporting deadline and I would like to be able to edit the activities without having to wait for the coordinator to get to it. 


Giving admin the ability to edit timeline entries from others would be very helpful for me right now.

Would love to hear any approximate timeline updates on this!

This is even more necessary due to the limitation of Gainsight allowing inactive Company Person records to be added as an external attendee. That problem is bad enough and is compounded by a cumbersome solution where the only way for admins to fix it is via API rather than just editing the Timeline record. 



Any updates on this idea? Looks like 6 months ago it was moved to “under consideration” and there is a lot of general support across the Community to get this live. 

@Ariana.Orona for visibility

Would love an update on this as well!