Add "Copy" capability to contact phone number just like contact email has on C360

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See image above. The copy icon on the right is available when hovering over a contact’s email address. We also pull in contact primary phone number, and our team uses a VOIP system for contacting customers. A copy button for phone numbers would increase efficiency when calling customers.

Hey @sarahmiracle, thank you for posting. This enhancement does sound interesting, looping in the Product Manager to give you an answer for the request. 

Though a small feature this can add great value, thank you for sharing this with us @sarahmiracle.
Can you help us identify which section of C360 the screenshot is from ? Is it Attributes section ?

@gopal_rao_kallepu see attached (I blocked out any PII). The red box is where you can “copy” an email address, but when you hover over our “Phone” field you only see the edit pencil icon, no “copy” icon


Hi @sarahmiracle thanks for raising this, copy functionality is available for a few standard fields and the Phone Number field mentioned here is a custom field that doesn’t inherit the copy functionality. I’ll need to revisit the drawing board to figure out if and when this is done what’s the best way to enable copy functionality. 

@Shilpa Gumnur - our CS org would also like the ability to copy Title and Name (Person table.) Could you add these fields to scope also? 

So, our ask is to be able to Copy to Clipboard for the following fields: Title, Name, and Phone Number.

Thank you,

@amanda.caldwell  Sure, we’re looking into extending the copy capability to other fields as well but it might take time. I will keep you posted about any movement on this functionality.