SightLine Vault - to install the solutions with one click

  • 1 September 2021
  • 2 replies

  • Gainsight Employee: Rookie
  • 5 replies

Hello Gainsight Admin Community!


You must have already heard about SightLine Vault that provides pre configured solutions for most commonly occurring use cases - Refer here.

In this post I will be covering FAQs that most of the customers ask related to Sightline Vault.

→ Do I have control over the assets that I’m installing as a part of solution ?

Yes, while installing the solution you can always uncheck the assets and proceed with installing the required assets.


→ Can I modify the assets that I’m installing as part of sight line Vault ?

Not while installing it is as per the pre configured solution but once after installed they behave like any other manually created asset and hence can be modified as per requirement.


→ Will the rules installed via Sight Line vault impact the data base ?

No. The solution will only create a draft rule and you should always test run and schedule as per your requirement to make it impact the data base.

→ Can I revert back the installation once after a successful installation ?

No. Once the installation is done we cannot revert it back. As they behave like any other manually created asset you can go ahead delete the installed assets as per the list.

→ How to make sure I’m doing the installation right way ?

Please do refer to the deployment instructions available in the documentation section of the solution to make sure you are not missing the pre and post actions that needs to be performed while installing.

→ How do I know if the installation is successful ?

Refer the Install logs section in the solution to understand the status of the solution along with its reasons of failure (if any)

→ The solution I’m looking for is not available in Sight Line Vault ?

Please do submit your idea in the “submit solution” section available on top right corner of the page.


There are wide variety of solutions currently available in Sight Line Vault make sure to refer/use them whenever required.

Hope this post helps!

Happy Gainsighting :)

2 replies


Thanks @shivani for this detailed post!

I am sure it will be very helpful for all our SightLine Vault  users.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hey @shivani thank you for your post as this seems informative and helpful for all the SightLine Vault users. Appreciate the detailed insight shared with our Community.
