Enable My Portfolio to Show more than 50 records

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

Currently, the My Portfolio report allows users to show 25 or 50 records at once. This report is limited to displaying 50 records per page. For users with more than 50 customers/accounts, this can be tedious to scroll through. It would be helpful if users could select to display up to 200 records in My Portfolio, like we are currently able to for all

other tabular reports. 

This would also be nice if this could be “sticky”. Aside from just “My Portfolio” it would be super helpful if all the “Results Per Page” would default to the last made selection. Meaning, if I select “50”, I don’t want it do go back to “25” each time I load the page. 

++ On this, would be really helpful to save and view higher number of records on this report as CSMs have a lot of accounts at times.