Extra click when logging to Timeline from Salesforce

Related products: CS Timeline

Hi team,

Had a CSM show me something today in Salesforce that I wanted to raise here. When creating a Timeline activity in Gainsight through Salesforce, the Activity Type is defaulted to “Update.” When the CSM changes the type, even if they do this before entering any data into any of the other fields, they get a dialog box warning them that whatever information they’ve entered will be lost if they change the type.

We agreed this makes sense if someone has started entering data already, but if they haven’t, it feels like an extra click. Curious if this is intentional or if it’s something on the roadmap to be fixed?


@mdowney2 Not sure why it’s defaulting to updates. CSMs have to pick a type upfront using the dropdown list. Also, the warning message applies only to the fields that were specific to the type the CSM picked originally. Notes and other common data is not impacted. If you can privately share a screenshot or recording with me, I’d be happy to take a look.