Adding Horiontal Scrollbars to Tabular Dashboard reports

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

So we have some reports on the Dashboard which have more columns than can be displayed on the default screen width.

The report will attempt to shrink the column widths of each column but then:

a) Column titles cant be read

b) There are still some columns that are "off-screen"

But no horizontal scrollbar appears

Can this be added please ?

Thanks for the feedback. Horizontal scrollbars is in the roadmap. Actual timing is TBD. 
Ian, this is now implemented. The first column is frozen and others are scrollable. 
Hi Gaurav

Thanks for the update - can you confirm how this has been implemented please ?

I created a Test report with multiple columns and a horizontal scrollbar now appears where the layout extends beyond the screen width but the first column is not frozen

I experienced that on a pre-existing report and a new report created today

Is setting the first column to freeze a configurable thing per report or something that is meant to happen by default ?

