Gainsight Assist Chrome Plugin: Log to Timeline Toggle

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We would like to be able to change the settings for the Gainsight Assist plugin to make the “Log to Timeline” checkbox be check automatically.


Hi @nickhackerone - thanks for sharing this feedback! When we had the Chrome plug-in in beta testing, we initially did have this setting set to automatic and feedback from the beta testers was that it was capturing too many emails as well as some emails that were not supposed to be sent to Timeline (for example a manager or VP discussing employee performance was getting sent to Timeline automatically). I’ve added the PM for the Plugin feature to this thread to see if she has any other thoughts on this functionality. 

Hello @nickhackerone 
We are exploring if we can have this setting driven by admin for the user based on role/ other criteria. I will get back to you on this.

Is there an update on this feature request? We have CSMs that would love the option to be able to click a box to turn this on or off within the plugin. Thanks!

Added my vote - it would be great if the extension offered a setting that allowed the user to choose whether the “Log to Timeline” check box defaults to unchecked or checked.

We are new to Gainsight and this has been one of the first pieces of feedback from everyone in the team. As Steve mentions, it would be great if it was an option for a user but by default, everyone would like to have it ticked by default (we have this setup with Salesforce and don’t have the option to not log the email) as it’s important we see all emails coming in and out. 

Adding here to revisit this request. Our team would like to see the option of the toggle of Log to Timeline, just as we have with Salesloft. This has been a long-time request from both our CSMs and management. Are there any plans on the roadmap to have this option?