Filter closed tasks within CTA

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Request ability to filter tasks (open/closed) within a CTA.  


Would like the ability to filter completed tasks from CTA display. I'm finding with certain CTA's that I have more completed tasks than open. Therefore the process to easily view and prioritize is inefficient.

@dondrias we understand the concern here. I will get back to you on this.

@dondrias Is the intent to see open tasks so that you can work on them?  Or is it something else? If we push the closed tasks to the bottom of the list, would it work?

Yes, the intent is ability to easily focus on open tasks.  Filtering closed tasks out of display would leave open tasks.  Ordering open tasks to top of list would be beneficial alternative.

Thank you for the feedback. We will try to see address this as a part of playbook enhancements in the near future.