Increasing the Number of Allowed Custom Field Attributes in Advanced Outreaches?

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Hi there, 

Are there any plans to increase the number of custom field attributes in Advanced Outreaches? Right now you can only add 3 integers, 6 strings, etc. 

I've been using AO to send out internal emails of recent NPS and implementation survey responses and details. This involves mapping question responses/comments to custom attributes so that I can then map them to tokens in the email templates. 

The current limitation on the number of custom mappings allowed has created cases where I'm mapping responses/scores to standard fields like "Last Name", "First Name", "Sender First Name", etc.

It works but does look a little silly and could be confusing to another admin or AO user. It would be nice if the custom attribute limit was increased or at least the ability to customize the existing standard attributes.
How many times can I +1 this? One just doesn't seem like enough. We are in total agreement Calvin!
I am glad to get this request.  Means you are using it aggressively.  I will talk to the team. 
I'll offer my +1, Ben.
We have added 3 custom email fields this release based on use cases heard. Clearly, it seems we need to support more than that. We will explore more on this and update here.
Switched to an Idea post.
I am voting for this STRONGLY.  I was able to use a work around for my needs by mapping custom fields to things like "Sender First Name" and "Sender Last Name", since I didn't need to use those fields otherwise.  However, since I had 6 variations of different Programs, I inevitably made a mapping error because the fields were all using different names.  
Kronos concurs.
Hi there, any update on if this will be coming in a future release? It would be especially helpful to have additional strings. I'm running into an issue where some participants are failing because the comments/values have too many characters.
Any chance this will be addressed in a coming release?

Any updates here? We desparately need more custom string values for capturing text comments from survey responses. We are running into errors due to number of characters which is causing emails to fall through the cracks.

Bumping this back up. Please increase the limits for custom mapping types, especially Strings. We keep running into errors where a response has too many characters and the Program fails, preventing emails from being sent.

Hi All, Good news here.

We are addressing this use case in the April release. You will be able to add upto 30 String, 10 Date, 10 Number and 10 Boolean fields and this is a configurable entry and can be increased per tenant as per your use case.

You rock!

Hi Abhishek, did this ship with the latest release?

I don't believe this was in V6.2 and I don't see it in 6.3... @abhishek_sivaraman can you provide an update?

Hi Calvin,


I am happy to say that we have increase the creation of custom fields in the Participant List configuration.

Previously, the maximum designated number of fields permitted was six fields for String Data Type and 3 fields each for Integer, Double, Boolean, Date, External Id, and Email Data Types. With this Release, the user can add a maximum of 50 fields for all data types together or any one data type in the Participant List configuration area of a Program. This eases the configuration of complex multistep programs, and also allows admins to define programs easily.

This configuration is only applicable for newly created Programs. The user cannot add any Custom Fields if the Program already exists and it’s in an Active status. However, if the created Program is in Draft stage, the user can add more fields by deleting the existing Custom Fields.

Please follow this article for more information.