S3 Connector Error Handling

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I recently ran into a problem with the S3 connector in which the customer had forgotten to change the name of their Source fields to match their CSV header names. We had trouble finding out this was the problem though, due to the S3 Execution History telling us that the error was "Unknown Exception". 

Something that would be a huge help down the line when more people are on S3 is better error handling. Unknown Exception didn't really give us any type of clue as to what the issue was, which could be a problem for someone who might not know the connectors as well. Is this something that could possibly be improved?
Especially given we expect customers to be using this connector - "known issues" like are the header names correct, or cannot find a given header name, should be exceptions we can message properly.  This could greatly cut down on Support ticket and frustration for services and customers.
Thanks Dustyn for raising this issue. We had identified a few "known" errors from the logs to show on the UI. Among the unknown ones, we still have to bucket the ones which ought to be published on the front end. Will work on the task for calling out the "Mismatch in header" as part of the errors. Will keep you posted on this.