Text Concatenation in Transform Task

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I believe this may have been mentioned before but I was unable to find a community post for it. 

I very often need to concatenate fields together when updating or creating records in Bionic Rules. I would like the funcationality to be able to concatenate fields together as well as concatenate a field with a static text value. 


I am creating opportunities for one customer and they want the Opportunity name to be *Account Name* - Renewal - *Year*. Currently, I have to force them to create a formula field on the source object that derives the text in this format. It would be nice to use transform tasks in bionic rules to create these fields. Is this on the roadmap?

Hey Zach - check out this thread: https://community.gainsight.com/gainsight/topics/string-operators-in-formulas

Might be what you had in mind?
Hi Zach,

We are introducing some string based formula functions in fall release and Concatenation is one of them. These formula functions will help you manipulate strings. I will keep you posted on the same. 

Thank you,
