Rules Engine: Add test filters to "Test Run" function

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Last few days I've been running and re-running a lot of rules in test mode and it becomes a bit cumbersome (not to mention prone to error) to have to go change and tweak the Setup Rule filters when I perhaps only want to test the rule against one particular account or some other account/customer info field.

I thought it sure would be helpful if, when I check the "test run" box on the Run Rule screen, I had the option of setting a quick filter from the Account or Customer Info object which would add to/override the filters in the rule just for this test run only.

Something like this:  

Certainly not a requirement, but a "wish list" item.  
Great suggestion!
Agree I like this suggestion Jeff.  As we introduce even more powerful rules this is a great example of where running for a specific account or relationship would be useful.  Unit testing right?
Man I wish I'd thought of this! I've been adding a specific account ID or email address for testing and going back and forth to the rule setup screen... Awesome idea!!
Wouldn't it save so much time? And error?? (Ah the number of times I realized I failed to remove that "test criteria"....)
I too would sure appreciate the ability to add filter criteria for a specific Account. One important piece would be to ensure that this added filter is reflected in your execution results, probably a given to include it but thought I would comment on it just to be sure.
As someone who just realized she still had a 'test filter' applied to a rule for the last week, I also would love to see something like this!