Changing 'Name' Labels in Standard Objects

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It would be super helpful if we changed the default 'name' fields on all the standard objects to include something more descriptive. If you are searching through fields or a filter when building a report, it is extremely difficult to pin point certain fields because they are all called name. The Account Name, Relationship Name, Measure Name, etc all just say 'name'. Especially for beginners, this is extremely tough to use. If we could append the object name in front of the 'name' that feels like it would help a lot, especially as we will be coming out with more objects and standard joins.

A good example from a scorecard report:

+1 on this idea. 

Activity Timeline object has the same challenge:


Similar issue in Rule Builder if you are trying to do a Merge task. Since various fields will just have "Name" or "ID" instead of saying "Task Name" or "Account Name", etc. This makes you have to change the output field even though they aren't the same "ID" or "Name" technically. Not a huge issue but just slows down the process. 

I’m going to +10 this if possible since it has huge UI impact for users and the functionality is inherent in report “Show me” fields. This will alleviate a lot of backend gymnastics and custom data spaces perhaps.

Any follow-up on this one? (please)

@rakesh @anirbandutta I’m sure this isn’t the only post asking for this, but it’s 5 years old!


Actual report I’m making right now. When can we get this to auto-default to Object + Name or something?

When did this status move to under consideration?