Scorecards: Help Text cheat sheet

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Would love to see a link at the top of the Scorecard section that would show the help text for that particular scorecard, but for each measure and all possibilities.  Right now, you only see help text if you can open up the slide bar, but if the measure if "Automatic", then you never have the option to see the help text.  

My thought is to have the link open up a dialog box on the sheet, showing each measure and the configured help text.  Screenshots below:

Love the idea
Thanks for the idea! We will try to incorporate some version of this to help end users to understand better with regards to what a measure is and display the help text.
Adding visibility into the description that is captured in the measure would be helpful as well. 
This would be incredibly helpful for us, as our CSMs would like to have quick referrence of what the measures mean. 
Yes it would be great to see the help text for automatically scored measures too.  For example, the CSM can see the score is set to "80" but they don't know what that means, even though I added help text to the measure at the configuration level.
We would like to see some sort of visibility into Help Text on all measures (automated and manual). Even if this is a simplified version of the pop-up that opens when clicking on a manual measure. We place a lot of detail in the comments that help CSM's know why the score is what it is currently, but this does not provide insight as to what would move the customer up the scale. We would like to see a pop-up that includes both the overall measure description as well as the help text for both automated and manual measures. This will keep it consistent in terms of documentation for Admins and remove any need for duplication.