"All My Drafts" view for Timeline

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

Is there a way to give a CSM a view of all the drafts they have open in Timeline, regardless of which customers they're for? We just launched Timeline with our CSMs yesterday and I already got this request. I can certainly imagine a CSM forgetting which notes they were working on, and wanting to come back to them after they may have closed the browser tab.

I tried to do it via Reporting, but I don't see a "Status" field on the "Activity Timeline" object.
Hi Seth,

We are working on the global drafts i.e. common drafts across all customers and contexts. 

After we implement this, users will be able to see all drafts in one common place and will be able to edit all activities from all places. E.g. Activities created from CTA will be editable from C360 timeline. This will be available post fall release.


Hi Nitisha, Will this also include drafts from others? Example: when transitioning an account from one CSM to another, the new CSM might want to see what notes were in draft from another CSM. 
Currently, the drafts will be private i.e. I can see drafts created by me only. 

Do you think a lot of updates are not posted by the CSMs (and remain as a draft) because only in this case, viewing drafts of previous CSM will become important.


Maybe admins can have the option of viewing -- or reporting on -- drafts? I think that would be the minimum, in case someone suddenly leaves the business and we need to try to pick up the pieces. Although a Salesforce admin could always log in as that user to view all of their drafts.

Beyond that, I don't have the impression that our team leaves lots of things in Draft, but you could build something around "the CSM for an Account can view all drafts".
I have a customer that would like this same functionality!
Global timeline view (including a global view of all drafts) is coming soon - likely with our March release. 
The global drafts view is now available in Cockpit, right? The clipboard in the top right?
Hi Seth,

In cockpit > top right icon, all drafts created via CTAs of all account and relationships will be visible. 

In global drafts (coming in April release), all drafts created via C360, R360 or cockpit of all account and relationships will be visible. 


I've got several customers that would love/need this feature!

If you leverage Globaly timeline, you can see your drafts across all customer timelines. I did this last Friday.