Survey Question instruction text

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TODAY: I have no option but to add instructions in the same input box as the survey question. Carriage returns are ignored (so instructions appear on the same line directly after the question and carry the same font weight and are not differentiated in any way)

IDEA: It would be great if as part of the question component (where today you just have the question / response) if you could add a 3rd component for question instruction text between the question input area and the 'response' element. This would allow us enter instructional text related to the survey question as a separate entity. 

I would envision this as a separate text entry (just like question text entry area) called 'Instructions'. From a styles perspective, it could have it's own style (for differentiation: e.g. not bolded & italicized) and if used, place the instruction text on a new line directly under the question. If it's unused, then it would not have any impact on how a question looks today.

Hi Andy,

Thanks for providing this idea. I have added this to survey roadmap and once we have worked upon this feature, will update this thread.