Administrator or System only CTA status capability

Related products: None


Allow CS Ops Admins the ability to create back-end only CTA Statuses to leverage in Bionic Rules, Event Rules or Mass Edit functionality. {Basically ‘Exclude from dropdown’ option for CTA Statuses}


Use Case:

Bulk close all Open Status CTAs (and even Tasks) when account churns or the account type is set to a specific status that no longer warrants engagement from Success or Account Management personnel.


Closing Thoughts:

Having the flexibility to leverage a specific (admin only) CTA status that is not available to end users would aid admins in automating this task without causing issues in existing reporting around closed CTAs. Being a clutter/cleanliness freak of an admin I want to execute on this use case but fear misuse of the CTA status if end users have visibility in CTA Status dropdowns.

+1!!! Exact same use case. 

End Proctoring-

Thanks for the example workflow. Converting this to an idea for more upvotes.