Snowflake Connector 2.0 - Add All Fields option

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We are starting to use the Snowflake connector regularly to bring data into the MDA.  It would be helpful to have a “select all fields” option rather than having to click each field one at a time.  

+1 - Definitely would be helpful!  Especially with large datasets.

As I am working through this process more - it would also be helpful to pre-map destination field names if possible.  Logically - it is easiest to export the headers from Snowflake into a CSV to set up the new MDA Object for data to land.   But in the current process we have to map each individual field, often with long field names that are truncated in the view.  Better than pre-mapping would be the option to create a new object in the MDA when ingesting a file from Snowflake via connector for the first time.  

@waynedilworth I was just about to post about this!  We’re also in the same boat with bringing in Snowflake information - and in some cases, it’s way easier to click ‘Select All’ and then deselect the few we don’t need.