Multiple domain whitelists for a single sub-user(Surveys).

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Multiple domain whitelists for a single sub-user(Account).

Could we whitelist two domains for one account?
FYI: Tech Ops already confirmed that there is no possibility of white-labeling more than one domain for one account.

This is a feature request to see the feasibility to extend the scope for more than one Domain. 
Hey Tharun,

I am still learning the ins and outs of our email service so someone correct me if I am wrong :)

I believe this is a limitation within Sendgrid. Each tenant is a sub user of our own Sendgrid account.

Each sub user can have their own dns settings generated but it is for a specific domain. Ex.

It is not possible for us to generate more settings for another domain within that sub account.
Hi Alex,

This is correct and we have received one more request to whitelabel more domains for one Sub-User (account). Seems this is a possibility in new release but hasn't got any confirmation.