Require Answer on Rating Scale Question Type

Related products: PX Engagements

Currently there is no way to require and answer on a rating scale type question, such as this:



It would be great if we could require answers to these questions, but it appears as such that we can’t. If I am mistaken can you point me to how to do this?

+1. Today, we received confirmation from the PX support team that currently, this capability does not exist. 

We want to make the initial rating question in a multi-question survey mandatory and apply conditional branching logic to dictate the future questions; however, currently, it is not possible to mark rating questions as mandatory. It is possible to mark a comment as mandatory, but not a rating question. If it were possible to designate a rating question mandatory, this would significantly improve the survey engagement capabilities and unlock hidden potential for the multi-question survey in particular, which would be used more effectively for a variety of use cases (e.g., expanded NPS / CSAT / solution-specific surveys, etc.) The absence of this functionality limits the effectiveness of surveys, as the user can skip this key driving question altogether. Admins need the ability to configure rating questions as mandatory.

There’s a huge gap in Admin capabilities between PX vs CS, would love to see some of these implemented in the near future so the user experience is more similar between the two products.