Horizon Analytics - Allow Settings to be assigned by permission groups

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I like that downloading data and sharing reports can be toggled on and off, however I would prefer if it was handled by Permission Groups rather than just a global on/off as below:


This way, you could enable it for executives but not for end users, for example.

Hi @bradley 

Thanks for your post. You can control who can share what dashboard via permissions per dashboard. 

We do not have that level of flexibility for downloads. Will you be able to share why you’d need this how would you use this feature when present?

@rakesh Thanks for the reply. For one thing, controlling things like this via permission groups is easier to manage and a better user experience. Right now, permission groups are useful for some things but other areas like this you need to go in individually. It just doesn’t make sense.


From my original post, my example is the ability to enable this for executives but not for end-users. Part of this ties into earlier discussions around end-user reporting and the ability for admins to control the source of truth. The type of permissions I’m talking about would need to be a precursor to that.

Generally speaking, organizations have more than one type of user, and you may want different guardrails for different user groups (almost like, I don’t know, permission groups?) and you don’t just want something either on or off.


I would turn around and ask - why are new features that are created with an enable/disable not done so via permission sets and just these binary toggles? 

Hi @bradley 

Some settings which are true or false for one instance of Gainsight cannot be added to permission groups. 

I understand what you are mentioning and see the value in giving this flexibility per user groups. However, at this point in time, this is not on our roadmap.