User Local in NXT not present.

Related products: None

Hi There,

Currently we don't have a User Local option in the NXT org due to which the date format is common for all the Users. Although, we have a user timezone setting which are honored in reporting but the date format is as per org locale.

Can we have this implemented like we have in our standard org?

Thank you


Yes! Definitely need this for global teams as the date format between American vs British is very confusing for people. This should be a no brainer!

@shiv_kumar_katiyar , @jason_hoe

The ability to set the locale at the User level is planned for the August release.



Hey @kunal_bhat ,


Any update for us on this thread?



Prithvi V

Big +1 for me on this one!

Do we have any idea when we might be able to see this in the product?

Hello Everyone!

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.13 release. When Gainsight Admins set a User Locale for any Gainsight user from the User Management page, the Date and DateTime format defined in the specific user’s Locale is honored.

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!