Allow Multiple Responses per Survey Email (or Workaround)

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I've received a request to allow survey participants to respond multiple times per email. This is for a brief (2 week) client beta participation, so we'd like our participants to be able to click through the original email to give feedback whenever they feel the need.

My understanding is that this currently isn't possible because each email is associated with a specific participant ID, so once they respond the survey is closed to them; if we emailed them again the next day, that would allow for another response but that would get tedious for the clients for obvious reasons.

Has anyone come up with a workaround to something similar?

Do you want to send an email to them everyday with a unique link every time so that they can respond multiple times?

If this is the case , then you can configure an advanced outreach and use the unique criteria to say that participants with same unique email can enter journey multiple times. This will ensure you capture each response and store them in survey as separate records.


Abhishek S
Hey Abhishek,

That's pretty much exactly what I don't want to do. Even though they are the more engaged of our clients, I don't want to email them each day as they would most likely find it spammy. I also think that it would create confusion/frustration if they tried to access the survey from a previous email and found that the survey is closed (because they already answered from that one), possibly preventing them from giving legitimate feedback.
Hi Nate, I want to make sure I understand your use case fully. Correct me where I'm wrong. Sounds like you want to invite people to provide feedback and for a period of time (2 weeks) allow them to either submit one survey response with feedback or submit multiple times over the course of the 2 weeks. 

In instances where they submit more than one feedback response, do you want this to edit the original response or register as additional unique survey responses?

I'm also assuming that you would want to track this back to the user or would you be looking to survey them anonymously?

Finally - would you want to allow them to change any of their response from the original survey? For example if they initially found your product difficult to use and rated it poorly but after some training they changed their outlook and wanted to rate it higher. Would you want them to be able to edit their original response or is each response set in stone and the only option is to submit new, additive feedback?

Side-bar to Dan's comment. We want that ability to allow edits of submitted surveys. We have had a handful of scenarios where users incorrectly read the page and give us "0" or "Very Dissatisfied" scores when they meant to give "10" and "Very Satisfied". This seems to be them reading to quickly and clicking down the wrong side. They always want to correct this, but I haven't been sure about how to allow them to edit post-submission.

Hey Dan,

Yes, that sums it up nicely!

In instances where they submit more than one feedback response, we would be looking to create new entries on each response rather than overwriting previous answers.

We would certainly like to track it back to the user or account but anonymous data would still be useful.

In this use case we would like each response to be set in stone and only submit new feedback as they keep using the beta functionality. That being said, I can definitely appreciate Ben's use case - we've seen that as well for NPS responses.

Hi Ben and Nate,

Thanks for clarifying the use case. Ability to have respondents edit the survey responses once submitted is not something which we have at this point. There are valid scenarios to think about where you might want to have this option like you shared about incorrect responses etc.

We will think more on this and prioritize based on the similar use cases we get from customers to decide on the timeline.


Abhishek S
Hi Nate, 

So as Abhishek mentioned, our model focuses on one of two paths. Either you can set the survey for anonymous submission - in which case the respondent could submit more than one response to the survey, or it's set to track the respondent - in which case there is one invitation created per outreach. 

However, one thought around how to make this work....we shared at Pulse during the product keynote on Wednesday morning the concept of using events triggered outside of Gainsight to introduce new participants into the Advanced Outreach. I think the idea could be used here where if you set up a simple web page or interface within your product, you can create a json event call to Gainsight that will trigger a new invitation to that participant. 

More info on the events framework here:

and here:
@All, Since this is a new feature request, changing this to an Idea post. 

As @Abhishek said, we will definitely consider your request, but let us also see how does other customers demand this functionality. Gathering the inputs from other customers for better results !
Hi all - we'd like a functionality to allow multiple responses from contacts for a single survey. 

Our use case:

  • I've created a pre-review survey that CSMs share with clients before their review. CSMs choose when to share the review (they assign the review playbook to themselves).

  • This could happen every quarter. I'd like for CSMs to use the same survey rather than having to create a new survey each quarter.

  • Each should not be anonymous (CSMs need to know which contact responsed with their feedback on the review). 
Thanks for the consideration!
