Idea. The ability to be able to set row widths in reporting.

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

Hi everyone!  I've seen multiple post regarding being able to set Column Width in Table Reporting - but nothing regarding the row.  We have a few Dashboards that display the Notes or Comments - and if the CSM (or Other) is copying/pasting their email chain, the row expands out the Report/Dashboard making it not very appealing.

While we use the Notes/Comment section in a few of our reports, it is ONLY meant to give a preview.  So being able to set the width of the row, would be awesome, and keep the reports uniform! :)

[Similar to how Timeline has a set column/row width - being able to duplicate this for table reporting would be amazing!]
Funny thing I noticed.  When you're building the report in Report Builder - it's like the rows are static.  But once you save it - it expands out so you can see the text.  If that's the case, why still show the entire comment when you hover over the comment section with your mouse? I like the hover feature - but would like the rows to stay static and uniformed. 
Hi Sagan, Thanks for posting! 

I am redirecting this to our Product team,will update you once I hear from them.

@All, Please hit Like or +1 to increase the priority in the roadmap
Thank you Sai! 🙂
[i]Bump. Just wanting to see if this helps get back on the front page for others to see! 🙂