Have a 'Quarterly' schedule option in Journey Orchestrator

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The current scheduling options in JO do not have an option to send out an email/survey quarterly. This is one of the most common use cases as many of my customers have NPS/CSAT surveys going out every quarter. 
Hi Meenal, in this scenario would the email be sent to all customers quarterly or would you have a rolling process where monthly you will send the survey to some customers, but any customer would only receive the message quarterly?
I think the latter is a more common use case with my customers, Dan. A rolling process where monthly you will send the survey to some customers, but any customer would only receive the message quarterly.
In that scenario you can use the Advanced Criteria - "Prevent a Participant with the same email address from being added to the Outreach within a set number of days. The number of days can be customized by the user."

So people are added to the program on a monthly basis, and only people who have not received the email/survey in the past 90 days will be triggered. 


The idea is not to do this participant by participant but the ability to have the schedule at the quarterly level. Sorry if I did not understand your earlier question properly, Dan.