Add search bar to "Reasons" within a CTA

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We have about 40 reasons to choose when creating a CTA and have to manually scroll through the list to find the reason that best matches why the CTA is being created.

Is it in the product road-map to include a search bar in the Reason drop-down list so we can search for the reason rather than scroll through the entire list?
Hi Johnny,

Yes, adding search bar in Reason (and other) drop-down lists and improving the overall UI experience of cockpit is in our short term roadmap. I will keep you updated about the status.


Awesome, and do you know if a search bar will be added to the Features section as well? We have a couple CSM teams using Gainsight and we have over 2000 features loaded. 
Nitisha, I switched this to an Idea post for better tracking. 
Status update on the ability to have a search bar for Reasons and Features?
Hi Johnny,

As Part of the Summer release(will be available in Sept 1st week), we have added search functionality to the Reason drop-down in CTA details view along with other drop-downs in Cockpit page.

Can you explain more about what do you mean by Feature search.


Hi Johnny,

Thanks for the suggestion on search option in Features section of Gainsight. I understand looking for a feature without search option when there are 2000 features added is not a great user experience. 

Currently enhancing the features section is not on the immediate roadmap as we are planning on implementing 'Product Catalogue' within Gainsight. This will support the current functionality of features section along with more functionality such as ability to add more hierarchy levels (not just 1), load product data from multiple sources such as CSV and Salesforce, better navigation & search options. 

I will be happy to answer any further questions.