Make it easier to re-order Journey Orchestrator steps

Related products: None

It would be nice to be able to re-order Journey Orchestrator steps in the Email Chain model. For example, a customer of mine had built out an elaborate program with ~15 or so steps and then decided they wanted to replace one of the early CTAs with an email instead. They weren't able to edit the CTA step nor were they able to insert an email and therefore had to undo all the steps to the very beginning, add the email step, and then re-add all the steps.

+1, this is a must-have as we start to build out larger email programs.

I know this is something that @abhishek_sivaraman and his team have been looking at. Tagging him here for any insights or updates.

Is there a way to consolidate posts of the same request so that popularity of a feature request isn't diluted?

Oh yeah, please consolidate @lila_meyer. I tried searching before posting this but didn't think about looking for "advanced outreach" instead of "journey orchestrator."

We don't have the ability to merge posts just yet!