Can you edit powerlist contacts in a published Advanced Outreach?

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 I was contacted by a customer via chat who was wanting to see if it was possible to remove/edit a certain powerlist contact who had contacted him after the advanced outreach was published requesting that they substitute another contact within that company to take the AO survey. Currently there is no way to edit a published AO, you can either pause the AO (but still not edit anything) or stop the AO an move all of the contacts to the end of the workflow. Is there a possibility where we could allow small edits on a paused advanced outreach?
Thanks Dan. Yes, this would be very helpful. We have noticed a few reasons for wanting to take contacts out, but not want them to "unsubscribe".  (1) the contact prefers someone else take the survey from their team. I don't want this contact to keep getting follow-up when they asked to have someone else take the survey. (2) the client list may not be the most clean. We had a client change email domains and now we have multiple emails for the same person. We should be better at cleaning these up, but if they are missed and added to an AO then they could actually take the survey under one email but the system thinks the other contacts/emails hasn't responded so they keep getting follow-ups. Being able to just remove these contacts after the AO has started would solve both of these. 
I would also add that edits to the powerlist, which would remove certain contacts, do not remove them from the AO if they already entered. For example, we kicked off an AO for some videos about a feature of our product. Initially, we went this to all customers of a specific industry. Later, we found out that some customers in Europe could not use that feature for a variety of reasons. I successfully edited the powerlist to remove them those contacts, but they were not removed from the AO.

Essentially, once a contact has entered, you cannot leave until you finish. So I guess its like the octagon? Pretty hardcore if you ask me.
Yes, this happened to us as well, Ben. I created the AO with a power list which included our EMEA clients. The weird part was before I ever published my AO, I changed my Power List and removed EMEA clients. It updated, refreshed for a couple of days, etc. The Power List doesn't show those contacts. When the AO was published it still included those EMEA contacts from the initial Power List creation. I feel like that has to be a bug.
Hi All,

   We do have the capability to 'knockoff' participants from running/active Ao. Go to participants table in the AO and you will find the delete icon in each participant table row to 'knockoff' the participant from AO. 

    If you want to 'knockoff' multiple participants, You need to search them in participant table and delete them manually one by one .  We do not have capability to bulk delete.


Thanks Vinay. I was able to go to Administration > Data Management > AO Participants 

Then I was able to find the contact I wanted to remove. I also note that you can adjust the columns that appear. So I displayed the Deleted column.

I was not however able to find any delete icon for each of the participants listed? 


Hi Liam,

   You need to go to Copilot > Advanced Outreaches and edit the the AO from which you need to delete the participant. Go to participants section in the AO. In the participant table, You will see the delete icon for each participant.


Hi Vinay, Thanks! I was just able to find that but it gives me an error for anybody I try to knock off. My AO isn't paused or in error. 

Hi Jason,

One question here, was the participant you tried to delete in Completed or Paused State?

Currently, you will not be able to delete a participant in those two states. We will get this fixed by removing the delete icon in the winter release and it is already existing in our backlog.

For now, you should be able to delete the active participants who are part of the outreach but you dont want to continue in the Advanced Outreach.


Abhishek S?
Hi Ben,

Once , you configure the sources(powerlist,query builder etc.) from which you get the data and sync the participants within Advanced Outreach and publish the outreach, the participants are added into the system and are part of the NPS/CSAT/Email Chain journey.

Now , it does not matter that some of the contacts have been removed from the powerlist post publish of the Advanced Outreach because they are completely different systems.

The ability to knock participants off the advanced outreach is available as mentioned below in Advanced Outreach->Participants screen.

Hope this helps.


Abhishek S
Hi Abhishek, the "completed" state seems to just be for contacts that have had the first email sent. So almost every contact is listed as Completed even though the AO hasn't finished. Is that right? You can't delete them once they have had an email sent? The reason this is a problem is if we can't remove them then they will get chased with follow-up emails in the AO because they haven't filled in the survey. 
Hi Jason,

  Once the participant moves to 'completed' state, He will not get any mails from that AO. We saw the support ticket you raised. There is a problem in that AO configuration, That is the reason all participants moved to 'completed' state after first mail. Our support guys will help you.


ah. ok. I'll work with Support then. Thanks!
What if you just want to change your criteria? Do I have to clone it and start over? I see no way to edit my list rule criteria once started. 
Yes, change to criteria requires clone and relaunch. You can vote for this one to raise visibility. 
Hi All, Happy to announce that this request is considered and pushed to 6.4 release. Previously, admins did not have the ability to edit sources such as Powerlist, Bionic Query, CSV, and Events in Journey Orchestrator, after the relevant Program was published. Admins can now edit/delete the sources of an Active program even after it is published.

Please follow this article for more information.