Rules Engine Timeline enhancements

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In addition to this post, I'd like to propose a couple of other enhancements:

  • Ability to see who is [i]currently running a rule as well as who last ran the rule - when you have multiple GS admins (or are working through issues with Gainsight support) you really need the ability to see who is running rules as they are running.  It gets tiresome to have to ping others to say "Are you running X rules?" This also would be needed in the Execution History screen on the rule itself.

  • It appears that the date field in the Start/End columns are reflected in the DD/MM/YYYY format - if that is not editable, can this become editable?
Love the ideas, Jeff. Shameless plug of a community post that seems relevant to your post, I'd also like to see us show the date rules were run historically. 
Hi Jeff,

Is your suggestion in context of Historical execution of rules? If Yes, there is a field "Last updated By" in the Rule Preview page which can help you see who updated the schedule of the rule to make it run multiple times historically. Also, With the new filter option that is available now, you can filter rules based on "Last Updated by".

If it is not about historical execution of rules, Are you looking for information related to "Who ran a rule manually?"

Apart from this, there are plans to enhance the "Timeline page" to make it more informative and have more data points related to execution of rules. Timelines are not known yet. I will keep you updated as and when we make progress on this.

Thank you,

Hi Jitin - thanks for the info. Yes I'm looking for info on who last ran the rule manually, particularly in the Timeline view (including if the rule is "currently" in process of running.
got it