
Survey Completion Link to Splash Page

  • 28 October 2015
  • 13 replies

I'm wondering if it would be possible to link to external (outside of GS) pages upon survey completion. Our use case would be that if a customer gave us a positive NPS score they could be automatically linked (or given the option to click a link) to review us on an additional site. Anyone know of a way to make this happen? I tried just creating a question with the link in the question but it wouldn't hyperlink.

13 replies

or can I set up a CTA-esque rule so that if someone responds with a promoter NPS response an email to review us on the third party site would be automatically sent?
Userlevel 5
Badge +7
Hi Brittany, great question! You can certainly link to an external page by choosing 'Direct Through URL' under the Thank You option in the Properties section of the survey setup.

However, what I think you would lose in this option would be linking to specific pages based on the survey response (positive score for example).

One suggestion I have would be to create a CoPilot campaign (you could alternatively use the rules engine Send Email action), that looks at the Survey Responses from the 'NPSSurvey Response' object. You could find any positive NPS promoter responders and send them an email from here.

Hope this helps and let me know if I can provide more information or context on my suggestion.

Does anyone else have additional suggestions?

Thanks for your advice! After I posted, I continued digging and found my way to the rules engine using NPSSurvey Response as my source object. I just want to be sure I'm selecting the right objects for my filters. I'm using:

NPSSurvey Response::NPS Score equals 9 OR NPSSurvey Response::NPS Score equals 10

Would that be correct?

Also, this would be to an NPS question type in a survey with a few other questions as well. Would NPSSurvey Response::Survey Code Name be the way to identify which Survey I am specifically looking at?  Is that just the Survey name? I didn't know where to find a code name)?


Userlevel 5
Badge +7
Oh great, you're really close! The filter look correct to me. The easiest way I've found to find the right survey code is by building a report off of the 'Survey' object. You can then pull the Survey Name and Code fields to match up to the correct code. Does this work for you?

In testing for the names/codes under the Reports section, no data came up under NPSSurvey, only under Survey when choosing the source object. Is the Code under Survery the same object as Survey Code under NPSSurvey?

I know that seems obvious, but I've noticed even minor differences like that differentiate other objects in other areas.


Userlevel 5
Badge +7
Yes, the code under Survey would be the one you would need to use in the NPSSurvey Response rule that you've built.

Do you see the code you need when you build the report from here?

I see the code! Thank you so much for helping to walk me through this 🙂
Userlevel 5
Badge +7
Great! Let me know if I can help with anything else.

Another question has come up:

When creating the action of Send Email and choosing my template, it is saying there are No Tokens found for this template for the Email Token Mapping even though there are several tokens in the template. The template was made in SFDC and saved to the GSEmailTemplates folder.

Any insights would be appreciated 🙂
Hi Brittany! Can you send a screenshot of your template and attach to the post? Or feel free to email me as well. I'm thinking it is a token formatting issue on the source template.

I'll shoot you an email!
Thank you Scott & Kendra for helping me work through this!
Thank you Scott & Kendra for helping me work through this!
