Export from Person

Related products: None


We have a number of our users which are asking for the ability to export all contacts within the Person section of their C360 view, however I have not found any means to do an export here. 

Am I missing something or do we need to present a contacts report to our end users to work around this? 

That’s correct Cody. I’m not aware of any way to export the related lists on C360s. If they have access to the report or a dashboard, they can export the list from there. Not ideal but it would work. 

Thanks @jean.nairon

We took our original approach and removed the contacts from the C360 to only present the person so they can add / edit the contacts in GS. This is part of a bigger strategy to sync to SFDC that we are still in discussion on. 


Perfect. Good luck on building out your solution!

@sai_ram - can this question be updated to a product idea? Thank you!

@sai_ram - can this question be updated to a product idea? Thank you!

@jean.nairon Thanks!! Updated.

Thank you @sai_ram !!