Timeline activity status presentation

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I got a great request and suggestions from our CSM team about the timeline activities statuses.

currently when login activities and giving them a status, we have no ability to manage this properly and know which activities are still open . a suggestion to ease our work with timeline, is to give a color , mark activites if they are open or closed in the main timeline page , without needing to log in to each activity. see screenshot with example below... see the red and green colors on the right to present if the activity is open or closed.

is this something you have on the road map or can open a feature request for?

Hi Rozi,

Can you please explain a little more about what you mean when you say the "activity is open"? In Timeline, all of the activities added would be completed historical activities, so I'm not following you on the use case for showing a status.

hi Dan, yes i can explain, in activity logs you have the field of "Update Status

", in there you have the options of "opened" "closed" "in process"

for example, in email actiivties .

the type of activities that we created that have this and it is critical for is the "esclation" "risk" types of activity.

we created these to log whenever there is a risk or an esclation, but this 99.9% of times are still open and ongoing when they are logged and their status if "open" or "in process"

if we can clearly see the activity status, then we can manage these and close them as needed when the activity is complete.

we have a lot of cases where we log activities in timeline before they are closed, as we manage alot of accounts, and it is impossible to rememebr everythign without logging it in the account timeline.

hope it makes sense,.

Hi Rozi,

If I understand you correctly, you have added some custom fields to your Timeline activities (using this process: https://support.gainsight.com/Timeline/Admin_Guides/Configure_Timeline_View_for_C360_and_R360#Add_New_Custom_Fields_to_Activity_Layout). And those custom fields have statuses that you'd like to see visually on the Timeline view. Is this correct?

hello Dan

yes we added custom field, BUT the field i am referin to about Status is not our customised field, it is a Gainsight field "Update Status",

we simply use it, but it was already a default in the system, to indicate the activity status .

Hi Rozi, can you post a screenshot of the field you are referring to? I want to make sure I understand what you are seeing.

for some reason i am unable to upload image and the upload fails , i tried several times.

you can send me an email address to sent it to

Sure, send it to dahrens at gainsight dot com

Hi Rozi, I didn't receive your email. Did you still need help with this topic?

Hi Rozi,

Thanks for sharing those screenshots via email. I'm sharing the content here for the benefit of the rest of the community.

The "Update Status" field you are showing is a custom field either added by your admin or whoever originally configured your Gainsight instance. Custom fields can be added by an administrator (info here). See below to see what the "out of the box" standard fields are that come with the Update and Meeting type activities.

Given the nature of timeline activities recording a historical event, it's probably not a great idea to set certain statuses as Open or In Process. A better approach would be to use the Add Task capabilities to assign open action items to an Activity entry and track those via Cockpit.

Hello @dan_ahrens 


I’d like to add few points under the same topic. Let me explain my use cases below :


As a CSM, I’d like to plan my meetings in the following week and would like Timeline to make it visible this planning to me.

Meetings like QBR/ABR is coordinated by lifecycle CTA and playbook. But expansion/ some kinda monthly reporting meetings are not sustainable with CTA and playbook since the cockpit is going to be a mess since they are on a monthly basis (high frequency) . Basically what we need is the planned / done status in activities. 


Let me know if there is a better way to handle this request.



Hi @ilaydaonbilgin - we’re actually releasing a feature next month that will allow you to sync your cockpit to your Google or Outlook calendar, so you can work quickly and easily with customer activities and whether you work out of your cockpit or your calendar or both, it will make things a lot smoother for the kinds of use cases you outlined for keeping track of future customer events. Keep an eye out for information on this with the Gainsight May Release!

@ilaydaonbilgin Here is the article for Calendar Integration. 

Hello @sai_ram and @dan_ahrens 


Thank you for your replies. The new feature is cool but it is not giving the flexibility on seeing planned activities from Timeline.


To solve this problem, we created meeting status as “planned, confirmed and done” and showing these reports in CSM dashboard.  Wish we had flexibility on the filters of Global Timeline and don’t give effort on building these dashboards. Any plan to have filter flexibility on Global Timeline?






Hi @ilaydaonbilgin,

We are also planning to integrate your calendar with Timeline view where you will be able to see upcoming meetings and add notes on them. I think this should solve your use-case since you will be able to see the status of the meeting (if it already happened, if the notes of the meeting were posted, etc.)

Hello Everyone! 

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and released as part of the v6.14 release. With our new Cockpit Calendar integration feature, view CTAs directly on your Google or Outlook calendars to easily stay on top of your most important customer to-do’s.

For more information on this feature, refer to the Cockpit Calendar Integration article.

This feature is implemented in the NXT version only.

Thanks for posting!