Users should be able to change the activity type after they've logged it into their timeline.

Related products: CS Timeline

There are times when our CSMs accidentally log a timeline activity with the wrong activity type. Instead of being able to edit it, they have to create a whole new activity, add all the relevant contacts in, and copy/paste the content. Any way that this ability could be added?
Hi Jen,

We have heard this from few other customers too. The main issue in implementing it is that each activity type can have different fields in the form and some of the data may be lost because of this mismatch.

Having said that, we are thinking about it and it is on our medium-term roadmap.


Thanks, Nitisha. Could there maybe be a warning that displays that some data will be lost? For us, we don't have different fields between activity types so it wouldn't impact us as much. Wonder how much of your userbase are in the same boat. thanks!
Makes sense. We will prioritize it soon. 


Hi Jen, This is expected behavior so changing this to an idea post and redirecting this to our product team.

Thanks for bringing this!
This would be especially useful for us with the Email to Timeline. Since currently, all emails to timeline are tagged as email, giving the ability to edit the type of activity to a more appropriate one would help with this too.

I have a user that asked for this as well