Idea. When creating a CTA from the Cockpit, having the option to search for customers that "Contain"

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[i]Right now if a CSM creates a CTA from the Cockpit, they have to type out the full Customer Account Name.  Ideally, we would prefer to type out Customer Account Number.  However, even if we can change the search style from 'customer search starts with' to 'customer search contains' would be a win!
In my opinion, I agree this should be the default. It's very confusing. I've had to explain this to multiple management/c-level execs.
When I create a CTA in cockpit, I type part of the name and a list pops up.  Granted, if the accounts are named the same thing (in the case of multiple accounts for the same customer) you don't know which is which.

This is why I've always told CSMs to go through the Customer List and create custom CTAs from the C360 Page.  Hasn't been too much push back on that.

That said - I agree it would be a nice enhancement to be able to do it directly from Cockpit.
Completely valid concern, and a very scary profile picture!

We have a feature today for our global search that allows configuring (1) what attributes to search on, and (2) what all to display in the search results to easily identify the right Account or Relationship. So from there it is possible to search on, for example, the Account Number instead of the Name, and then also have the Account Number in the search results. Would it work if we start honoring the same configuration wherever we provide similar Account search capabilities (finding the right Account to tie a CTA to, in this case)?
We have several large group of customers that all start out with the same.  So wasn't sure what it would take to get the search to go by contains, rather than start with.  Only for that reason.  We would LOVE to just type in their account number instead though!  One stop shop!

Outside of Cockpit - we're able to search by the account number, no problem.  It would be nice to have one more column though!  But then that would be an odd number - so maybe a total of 6 instead. :)

And thank you! I love my profile picture!
Hi! Just wanted to see if there was any movement on this? 🙂
Hi! While we've migrated many users over to Timeline Entry instead.  We still have a large number using CTA's and finding it rather [i]annoying to either go into each individual C360 to create the CTA.  Or start typing out the clients name - and scroll through the list for the correct location.  [We have a large number of clients that share the same location name - with only the ending being different.]

Just checking in 🙂