Heathscore trend over time

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I would like to create a report which shows either weekly or monthly snapshots of customer health as a whole so I can compare our overall heath week to week / month to month. 

Essentially like the reporting Gainsight recommend to configure for their VP around habits, but for their Heathscore metric as a whole > https://support.gainsight.com/Product_Documentation/Reports_and_Dashboards/Examples_and_Tutorials/Co...
I just had this exact same request. Gainsight support was able to assist. The report is built off of the Usage object which is what I was missing. We also enabled health score trending at the account level. However, I wanted a birds eye view of our entire customer base to determine if overall scores were trending upward given the efforts we are putting forth. 
I would be interested in this as well. I think it was possible with scorecard 1.0 but I don't think that functionality has been ported over to 2.0
Hey Danella, 

I'm looking at a rollup of all the scorecard metrics, not just usage... not sure if this quite matches.

What was their advice for you though?
