Automatically calculate daily deltas

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Hi -- we get daily snapshots for various products. In many cases it's a "current total" view. So on day 1 there are 100 actions and on day 2 there are 110 actions.

Getting P&E to agree to send me "10" for day 2 instead of "110" can be difficult. It would be great if we could automatically do this kind of "daily delta" within Gainsight. The key is that the aggregate key needs to be definable. The calculated field in the rules engine can be used to accomplish this at the account level (with a bit of work) but in our case an account can have multiple objects and each have their own activity counts.
@Jeff- If I understand correctly, you are loading running total and you are looking for net change.

Net Change (10) = Today Total (110) - Yesterday Total (100)

Is my understanding correct? A couple of questions before I think of a solution.

1) Since it is a cumulative total, when do you reset the number to zero? In other words, Is it a WTD (Week to Date) or MTD(Month to date) or YTD?

2) Is it possible for you to email me ( the sample file (feel free to mask sensitive information) vs expected output?