In Data Designer - Status of CTA Group to be shown as same in Reporting

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Hello Team,


We’ve received a request from customer, to use the status of the Success Plan in the Data Designer.

After checking from my end, As In reports, We are showing the status of the Success Plan, in Status Name field from CTA Group object.

The actual status of this is shown as “System Name” from “GS Meta Info” object which is a lookup to CTA Group, by which the status is shown on CTA group.


However, In Data Designer, when we pull in “CTA Group” and status, these are showing up the ID values, as the status is of picklist value.



As a workaround, provide the below, by pulling CTA Group and GS Meta Info:



Can we have the same functionality for Data Designer as of Reporting? This would really be helpful.

Hi @iteku 

We have a lot of legacy and custom logic in reporting to handle a lot of such scenarios. That being said, its understandable that ID’s is not very functional in nature. We will look into some options here.

For now, please expand lookup and select the label field.