Add 90 Days to Contract Start Date

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Has anyone had success using Gainsight to add or subtract days from a date field?

I'm trying to figure out the number of users for a customer in the first 90 days of their contract. (I need to run a comparison against the number of users in the trailing 90 days from today.)

I can grab the contract start date from Opportunity, and I can join it to the Google Analytics MDA data in a Bionic Rule. Then I could limit the Google Analytics data to "Google Analytics Date >= Contract Start AND Google Analytics Date < 90 Days After Contract Start"/

However, I can't figure out a way to add 90 days to the contract start date.

  • Bionic Rule > Transformation Task > +Formula Field: Formula fields don't act on Date fields, so I can't just simply add 90 Days to the Date

  • Rule "Filters": I can say "This field is less/greater than another field", and I can "Add/Subtract N Days from Rule Date", but I can't "Add/Subtract N Days from Date Field"

  • MDA Google Analytics Data: I could add a formula field for "This Pageview's Date plus 90 days", except that MDA object isn't editable
The only thing I can think of is adding a Salesforce Formula Field to the Opportunity, to add 90 Days to the Contract Start Date. However our Salesforce instance is busy with extra fields, so I'd rather not add yet another one unless absolutely necessary.

If you've had any luck manipulating Dates in some other way, I'd love to hear! Thanks for lending your brainpower 🙂
Oh man, I so want to get this to work -- it's too pretty to give up on!

We obviously need to get formulas on date fields working.  This rule really is insanely cool!  Here is a wicked hack to try: build a table with two columns: first with a list of date vales and a second with those dates plus 90 days. (Could in Excel and then import as CSV or something.)  Then join on the date filed with this table and get a new column with what you want.  
OH HO! Karl, master hacker extraordinaire! Can't wait to get that set up -- gonna need to print this Rule out and get it framed.
Let me know if it works!  
Hey @Seth - have you figured out a better way to do this since you posted? I'm running into the exact same thing and would love to hear that you have a solution

Hi Mindy! Yes indeed. The feature that's come out since this post, which would have helped me, is the Date Diff function:

Does that work for the use case you have in mind?

Hmm, unfortunately not going to work for my use case. I'm trying to send an auto-renewal notice email and wanted to include the new subscription time frame ("renewal date" - "renewal date + 1 year"). I felt confident that I could add 365 to the renewal date in the bionic rules but when I dug in couldn't actually find a way to do it. Oh well - not the end of the world, but would have been nice. Thanks for the quick response!

Oof, sorry to hear it! Karl's workaround seems like the best option, then. In the face of a subscription timeframe, though, I've seen that stamped into a custom date field in Salesforce anyways, so that the next renewal date is always extremely accessible, and can be edited for special cases like extensions.

We still really need the ability to add/subtract a number from a date field to return a date. The new bionic formulas are great, but this is a simple and common use case that is missing.

Hi All,

We now can subtract/Add no. of days/weeks to a particular date.

Add/ Subtract Date formula is now available in Transformation task of Rules engine.



Hi All,

Sorry to bump this thread. I am trying to add a number to a particular date field.

I know we now have the Add/Subtract Date Formula, however this only allows us to assign an actual number to the addition/subtraction. But what if my number was not fixed but was rather stored in a numeric field (Assigned Time in Hours, in my example)?

For example:

Created Date + Assigned Time in Hours = Assigned Date

(07/28/19) + 48h = (07/30/19)

Is this possible?




Hi Ricardo,

From what I tested, there's currently no way of having the add/subtract value dynamic.

Maybe that will be the case in a future version.



Hi All,

Sorry to bump this thread. I am trying to add a number to a particular date field.

I know we now have the Add/Subtract Date Formula, however this only allows us to assign an actual number to the addition/subtraction. But what if my number was not fixed but was rather stored in a numeric field (Assigned Time in Hours, in my example)?

For example:

Created Date + Assigned Time in Hours = Assigned Date

(07/28/19) + 48h = (07/30/19)

Is this possible?



+1. Recently I also faced this same use case.

Providing an option to add the Numeric field to the Date field was really a good idea.