S3 File Path Failure in Logs should cause "FAILURE" in run status

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Per a recent support ticket, if the file path “fails” in the log the status should be “partial success” as the data was pulled. This is being updated as a bug that was identified that said the rule was “Successful”


This does not make any sense though because the file never sent and 0 records could be updated. Ideally, Gainsight would make the rule statuses reflective of what occurred so Admins can properly respond. How would I know a file never sent to the path? Assumption with “partial success” is that some RECORDS updated, not some steps completed in the task.


Support’s explanation as to why they consider it “partially successfully”:

Original Rule Log Submitted:


To add to this - this was a rule that was migrated from Bionic Rules. The path failing was bc of an intermittent issue in the migration tool that shut off the authenticator. This was not caused by something I did in setup, this was caused by the buggy Horizon Rules tool and only support could do something to fix it.


As an admin, how would I have been able to catch this? You have to dig for the true error, and that should never be the case.

Hi @andreammelde

Thanks for sharing your feedback here and sorry for the inconvenience caused, we will ensure we provide the right insight to the admins by adding proper failure status and logs. I am going to discuss this with my team and get back on this thread with the planned solution and ETA.




No StatusPlanned